



 卡帕 / 德·菲娜

 制片 马田·史高西斯

 作品 丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯 米雪·菲花 领衔主演: 云露娜·维达 片名心外幽情》 又译: 《纯真年代》/《纯情年代》 联合主演: 杰拉丁·卓别麟、迈克尔·高夫 理查德德·E·格兰特、玛丽·贝丝·赫特 联合主演: 罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德、诺曼·劳埃德 米瑞安·玛格莱斯、亚历克·马克温 联合主演: 僊·菲利普斯、乔纳森·普雷斯 亚历克西斯·史密斯、斯图尔特·威尔逊 选角: 艾伦·刘易斯 助理约瑟夫·瑞迪 联合制片布鲁斯·S·普斯汀 片头设计: 伊莲 & 索尔·巴斯 配乐: 埃尔默·伯恩斯坦 服装设计: 加布里埃拉·佩斯库奇 剪辑: 塞尔玛·斯昆梅克 艺术丹特·费雷蒂 摄影指导: 迈克尔·包豪斯 本片改编自 伊迪丝·沃顿 所著同名小说 编剧杰伊·考克斯 & 马丁·斯科塞斯 制片芭芭拉·德·菲纳 导演: 马田·史高西斯 (纽约市


 哇 Well... 无法想象明戈的家眷会穿这种衣服 I didn"t think the Mingotts would have tried it on. 在剧院里如此炫耀地 Parading her at the opera like that, 还让她坐在梅·韦兰身旁 sitting her next to May Welland. 真奇怪 It"s all very odd. 但她的经历也挺奇怪 Well, she"s had such an odd life. 他们会带她参加布霍家的舞会吗

 Will they even bring her to the Beauforts" ball, do you suppose? 如果那样

 一定会引起轩然大♥波♥ If they do, the talk will be of little else. 晚上好



 梅 Good evening, Mrs. Welland. Good evening, May. 纽伦

 我的外甥女奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人 Newland. You know my niece Countess Olenska. 伯爵夫人 Countess. 希望你已经告诉过奥兰斯卡夫人了 I hope you"ve told Madame Olenska. 告诉她什么 What? 我们订婚的事 That we"re engaged. 我要全世界都知道 I want everybody to know. 我要在舞会中宣布 Let me announce it this evening at the ball. 如果你能说服我妈的话 If you can persuade Mamma. 已决定的事何必提前 Why should we change what is already settled? 不过你可以告诉我表姐 But you can tell my cousin yourself. 她记得你 She remembers you. 我记得我们曾在一起玩 I remember we played together. 这一切勾起了我的回忆 How this brings it all back to me. 我记得大家儿时的模样 I remember everybody here the same way, 穿着可笑的灯笼裤和长裤 in knickerbockers and pantalettes. 你是个讨厌鬼

 还在门后强吻过我 You were horrid. You kissed me once behind a door. 我喜欢的是你堂哥范迪

 但他从不愿瞧我一眼 But it was your cousin Vandie, the one who never looked at me, I was in love with. 你已经离开很久了 Yes, you have been away a very long time.

 太久了 Centuries and centuries. 久得令我感觉自己已死

 而这里宛如天堂 So long, I"m sure I"m dead and buried, and this dear old place is heaven. 昔日的事情 It invariably happened, 每次都是千篇一律地发生 as everything happened in those days, in the same way. 一如往常

 布霍夫人在没有丈夫的陪伴下 As usual, Mrs. Julius Beaufort appeared, 独自前来 unaccompanied by her husband, 观赏"珠宝之歌♥" just before The Jewel Song. 又照例在第三幕之后起身离去 And again, as usual, rose at the end of the third act and disappeared. 全城都知道这表示半小时后 New York then knew that a half hour later, 一年一度的布霍歌♥剧舞会便要开始 the Beauforts" Annual Opera Ball would begin. 马车早已恭候多时 Carriages waited at the kerb for the entire performance. 纽约人彼此都心照不宣 It was widely known in New York, but never acknowledged, 美国人急于离开娱乐 that Americans want to get away from amusement, 比到达还急切 even more quickly than they want to get to it. 纽约人家很少像布霍家一样 The Beauforts" house was one of the few in New York 有个舞厅 that possessed a ballroom. 这样的房♥间

 一年尘封三百六十四天 Such a room, shuttered in darkness 36♥4♥ days of the year, 好似在 was felt to compensate 追悼布霍家的任何坏事 for whatever was regrettable in the Beaufort past. 布霍夫人雷芝娜来自南卡世家 Regina Beaufort came from an old South Carolina family, 但其夫朱礼士


 but her husband Julius, who passed for an Englishman, 终日花天酒地 was known to have dissipated habits, 言谈尖酸刻薄

 而且身世不详 a bitter tongue and mysterious antecedents. 攀附世族为他带来社会地位 His marriage assured him a social position, 但却未赢得尊敬 but not necessarily respect. 纽伦·阿齐并未像时下的年轻人一般 Newland Archer had not stopped at his club, 在俱乐部盘桓 as young men usually did, 他直接来到布霍家豪♥宅♥参加舞会 but came directly to the Beauforts. 借机宣布婚讯 He wanted the announcement of his engagement 转移众人对伯爵夫人的闲言闲语 to divert gossip away from the Countess, 并表示对梅及其亲族的支持 and show his most ardent support for May and her whole family. 布霍家的豪♥宅♥规划别出心裁 The Beaufort house had been boldly planned. 宾客无须挤进长廊 Instead of squeezing through a narrow passage 可由宽敞的客厅 to get to the ballroom, one marched solemnly 直趋宴会厅 down a vista of enfiladed drawing rooms. 晚上好 Good evening. 但穿过绛红色的客厅时 But only by actually passing through the Crimson Drawing Room 你会看到

 春神再临 could one see The Return of Spring, 布格瑞这幅充满争议的裸体画 the much-discussed nude by Bouguereau, 只有布霍家敢公开展示 which Beaufort had had the audacity to hang in plain sight. 晚上好 - 晚上好

 阿齐先生 Good evening. - Good evening, Mr. Archer.

 阿齐欣赏这种挑战传统的作风 Archer enjoyed such challenges to convention. 虽然他私下质疑墨守成规 He questioned conformity in private, 但在人前他却不遗余力的支持传统 but in public he upheld family and tradition. 这个世界危危地保持平衡 This was a world balanced so precariously 只要一声低语即可将它粉碎 that its harmony could be shattered by a whisper. 总之

 身旁这班假道学之人 On the whole, Archer was amused 总令他觉得好玩 by the smooth hypocrisies of his peers. 甚至令他羡慕 He may even have envied them. 例如劳伦斯·莱弗茨 Lawrence Lefferts, for instance, 全纽约最讲究仪表的人 was New York"s foremost authority on form. 他那套细分各种鞋的规矩 And his opinion on pumps versus patent-leather oxfords 被奉为圭臬 had never been disputed. 他四处猎艳 On matters of surreptitious romance, 手腕令人叹服 his skills went unquestioned. 西勒顿·杰克逊先生熟知各家谱系 Old Mr. Sillerton Jackson was as great an authority on family 其权威性可比劳伦斯·莱弗茨之精研仪表 as Lawrence Lefferts was on form. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人远嫁欧洲的惨痛经验 The mean and melancholy history of Countess Olenska"s European marriage 他极欲一探究竟 was a buried treasure he hastened to excavate. 他就像个八卦活百科 He carried, like a calling card, 任何丑闻秘辛都一清二楚 an entire register of the scandals and mysteries 在表面太平的社交圈里

 that had smouldered under the unruffled surface 闷烧了五十年的陈年往事 of society for the last 50 years. 朱礼士·布霍的成功秘诀

 在于他的处世之道 Julius Beaufort"s secret was the way he carried things off. 他可以若无其事地 He could arrive casually at his own party, 光临自家舞会 as if he were another guest, 也可以大方地提早告辞 and might also leave early for a more modest, 溜进比较平民化的小公♥馆♥ but comforting address in the East 30s. 他在事业上勇往直前 Beaufort was intrepid in his business, 在私生活上却更加积极进取 but in his personal affairs absolutely audacious. 阿齐的未婚妻对此

 还有其他很多都一无所知 Archer"s fiancee was innocent to all of these intrigues and of much else. 梅·韦兰代表上流社会最美的一切 May Welland represented for Archer all that was best in their world, 也是阿齐所崇尚的

 她使他不脱离这些规范 all that he honoured, and she anchored him to it. 我依你的意思告诉大家了 You see, I"ve told all my friends, just as you"ve asked. 我等不及了

 我可真不愿在舞会宣布 Yes, I couldn"t wait. Only I wish it hadn"t had to be at a ball. 即使人多

 这里也只有我俩 But even here, we"re alone together. 最糟的是我想吻你

 但却不能 The worst of it is that I want to kiss you, and I can"t. 纽伦 Newland. 你告诉艾伦了吗 Did you tell Ellen as I asked you to? 我找不到机会说 No, I didn"t have the chance after all. 她是我表姐

 如果不先告诉她 She"s my cousin, Newland. If others know before she does... 她离开久了

 会很敏感的 It"s just that she"s been away for so long. She"s rather sensitive.


 只是还没见到她 Of course I"ll tell her, dearest, but I didn"t see her yet. 她临时决定不来 She decided not to come at the last minute. 临时决定 At the last minute? 她怕她的衣服不够美 She was afraid her dress wasn"t smart enough. 我们都说好看 We all thought it was so lovely, 但她执意回家 but she asked my aunt to take her home. 噢

 原来如此 Oh, well. 很漂亮

 很新潮 Very handsome. Very liberal. 想当年 In my time, 浮雕宝石镶珠就算阔了 a cameo set in pearls was thought to be sufficient. 戴上的手才最能炫耀戒指 But it"s the hand that sets off the ring, isn"t it, my dear, Mr. Archer? 新式镶法让宝石更加耀眼夺目 It"s the new setting. It shows the stone beautifully. 但老古板人会嫌样式过于简单 But it looks a little bare to old-fashioned eyes. 不是指我吧 I hope you don"t mean mine, my dear. 我喜欢新东西 I like all the novelties. 我请巴黎名家做过手部雕塑 My hands were modelled in Paris by the great Roche. 他该帮梅做一个 He should do May"s. 让我瞧瞧

 乖 Show me, child. 手都弄粗了 Her hand is so tempered. 那些时髦运动弄得关节粗大 It"s these modern sports that spread the joints. 幸好皮肤依然白皙

 But the skin is white. 婚礼何时举♥行♥ And when"s the wedding to be? 就快了


 明戈夫人 As soon as ever it can, if only you"ll back me up, Mrs. Mingott. 我们该让小两口好好认识彼此 We must give them time to get to know each other a little better, Mamma. 认识彼此 Know each other? 纽约世家子弟谁不认识谁 Everybody in New York has always known everybody. 有花堪折直须折 Don"t wait till the bubble"s off the wine. 四月完婚吧 Marry them before Lent. 说不定哪一天我会死于肺炎

 而我要为他们办喜宴 I may catch pneumonia any winter now, and I want to give the wedding breakfast. 你真疼孩子 What a kind offer. 就算曼森·明戈夫人不是梅的奶奶 Even if she had not been grandmother to May, 小两口订婚后 Mrs. Manson Mingott would still have been the first 也一定会先拜见她 to receive the required betrothal visit. 她不仅是上流社会的大家长 She was not only the matriarch of this world, 简直可以呼风唤雨 she was nearly its dowager empress. 纽约名流大多与她有亲戚关系 Much of New York was already related to her, 其余不是婚后家属便是慕名之交 and she knew the remainder by marriage or by reputation. 当时建筑惯用黄石砌墙 Though brownstone was the norm, 而她的豪♥宅♥外墙 she lived magisterially within a large house 却大胆采用乳白色系石材 of controversial pale cream-coloured ...

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